Open Letter to my 19 Year Old Self

Dear 19 year old self,

I want to congratulate you first because you are now done with college and you are about to step into the real world, you’ll find a job and will go on so many adventures. Sadly that isn’t the case YES you will graduate and YES you will go have some fun (well not most of the time) but NO you will not get that dream job that you are aiming for immediately. It’ll be a long long time before you get a job and you will feel embarrassed and not go out that much, you’ll feel like you failed and think that you are worthless along the way but I assure you that you are not and I think that this struggle is just a part of our story.

There will also be that time where you will experience sadness that you will cry every night or whenever you are alone but in the end you thought that you have to be strong for your family because the time will come where you will lose someone who is very close to you, keep that face help up high and keep going don’t give up. You also have to learn on manifesting what you want in life and I tell you that it will happen and you will learn to be happy and contented with what you have. You will meet new people and form a friendship with some but the problem is that sometimes you push your friends away because you feel embarrassed in you’re current situation but know that they will not judge you for what you have now. In having a relationship you’ll be okay on being alone girl don’t worry we’ve been doing this for years so we can manage but I know that sometimes you can’t help but feel some envy to those who have someone they can lean on, don’t worry maybe in the future we’ll have that but know that you can stand up and be on your own.

You’ll change but I think it’s for the better, you will learn to accept what you have now and realize that there are things that are more important than to what you are currently prioritizing. You will be more open in expressing your thoughts to others, I think that is such a huge step up because you know how shy we can be.

It’s currently 2020 and it might not be the year where you will achieve everything you want or what you’ve been dreaming of because everything will come into a halt. The world will stop for now but that doesn’t mean that you’ll stop dreaming, continue to reach your goals and always dream big.

Your future self,


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